Divorce FOR the children?

On 27 May, The Morning Show aired a segment on divorcing for the children, as in the opposite of staying together for the children. The premise of this idea is that if the marriage is a hostile or unhappy environment it is not a good atmosphere for children. They would be better off if the…

Parenting During Separation, Divorce & Beyond

  What a nightmare for everyone. Your marriage breaks down, your are more emotionally worn down that ever before. You might be experiencing some of these common effects from separation: insomnia, emotional exhaustion, disrupted routines and general chaos in your daily life. Meanwhile your children need you. They need their routines, they need your attention,…

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Parental Alienation and the Family Court System

In June 2012, a Sydney magistrate, Tom Altobelli,  made headline news by writing a letter to two children involved in a custody case that he presided over.  In this letter, he explains his decision to separate the children from their father and asks that they consider renewing their relationship with him when they are old…

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