Top Tips For Coparenting

In this podcast, Top Tips For Coparenting, I talk you through the top tips to protecting your child or children during divorce. Divorce is so difficult, when there are children involved it is an enormous challenge, Taking care of children during divorce and post divorce is a complex job that requires a lot of skill…

Top Tips For Divorce

In this podcast I walk you through the quick guide to disaster proof your divorce. It is crucial that you make good decisions and take positive actions during this time. Because of the turmoil and emotion you experience, it can be difficult to do this. You need to get clear on your goals and action…

Conduct Your Divorce With Clarity

Avoid mistakes and gain a bigger perspective on your divorce. Find out what to do when everything is on the line and you aren’t in the right frame of mind to be making major life decisions. Protect yourself from unnecessary loss and damage during divorce. About Your Family Matters In Your Family Matters I discuss…

Top Tips: Marriage

I have recorded this podcast especially to talk you through the quick guide I made on top tips for rescuing a rocky marriage. If you haven’t downloaded the quick guide you can do that by clicking through on the right hand image. The Quick Guide is a summary of this podcast, where I explain why…

Save Your Marriage: back from the brink

The big mistake people make when their spouse decides to leave: As a marriage coach, I have worked with many clients right after their spouse decides to walk out. Something I have witnessed again and again is that while they would do anything to fix their marriage and get their spouse back, they actually, at…