Divorce FOR the children?
On 27 May, The Morning Show aired a segment on divorcing for the children, as in the opposite of staying together for the children.
The premise of this idea is that if the marriage is a hostile or unhappy environment it is not a good atmosphere for children. They would be better off if the parents divorced, specifically if they had what Rosalind Sedacca of the USA calls a “child centred divorce”.
I think that such an important topic requires more than the few short minutes The Morning Show was able to provide and so I have made a podcast to share with you some of my thoughts on this, particularly some of the important points that I think were not covered in the segment on TV.
The reason why I do both marriage coaching and divorce coaching is that couples who are divorcing sometimes find that they can repair their marriage and stay together, while couples who are trying to save a marriage sometimes are unable to and need help to make the difficult transition to divorce amicably. I have created an online course for parents called Coparenting Solutions which guides parents through all aspects of caring for children during separation, divorce and beyond.